Issue - meetings

A Northern Digital Mobility Strategy

Meeting: 30/03/2022 - Transport for the North Board (Item 7)

7 A Northern Digital Mobility Strategy pdf icon PDF 367 KB

To consider and agree to the scope and objectives of the Northern Digital Mobility Strategy.

Lead: Matt Smallwood

Additional documents:


7.1          Members received the report and presentation from the Head of Digital Strategy who highlighted the key elements of the report.

7.2          Members were supportive of this work and believe that this may help with modal shift.

Concerns were however raised about potential inequalities within communities arising from digital exclusion and the Board was keen that a recommendation be made to Government that more needs to be done to ensure digital networks are required to work with TfN in order to support delivery of digitally enabled/dependent transport services.

7.3          Cllr Browne brought to the Board’s attention a demand responsive transport scheme in Cheshire East.  The three-year pilot is looking to address social exclusion in the areas most rurally isolated communities.  He stated that he would be happy to share with TfN their experience on addressing the issue of rural isolation.


That Board agrees to the scope and objectives of the Northern Digital Mobility Strategy.