Issue - meetings

Annual Accounts

Meeting: 29/09/2022 - Transport for the North Board (Item 10)

10 Annual Accounts pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To approve the Annual Accounts.

Lead: Paul Kelly

Additional documents:


10.1       Members received the report of the Finance Director. The Board was informed that in order to sign off the accounts the external auditors require the Pension Fund to be signed off before the accounts can be approved.  The Finance Director envisaged no problems with this and anticipated that it would be completed by the end of October.  As a result of this he stated that the recommendation in the report be altered to say that ‘the accounts be approved subject to the sign off of the pension fund and it require no changes to the accounts.’  Should modifications be required the process will be repeated and it be brought back to Board.

10.2       Members received the Audit and Governance Annual report from Cllr Little (Vice Chair of Audit & Governance Committee) who highlighted the key areas within the report.


1)   That the Board approves the corporate governance review and the Annual Governance Statement.

2)   That Board note that TfN’s draft statement of accounts was laid open to public inspection for the statutory period without objection being raised.

3)   That Board notes the recommendation in the Annual Progress Report of the Audit & Governance Committee to approve the Statement of Accounts for 2021/22.

4)   That the Statement of Accounts for financial year 2021/22 be approved subject to the sign off of the pension fund.