Issue - meetings

Transport for the North Board Business Representation

Meeting: 08/02/2024 - General Purposes Committee (Item 5)

5 Transport for the North Board Business Representation pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To consider and agree arrangements for business representation on the Transport for the North’s Board, in light of changes to local enterprise partnerships (LEPs), and make the appropriate recommendations to the Board.

Lead: Julie Openshaw

Additional documents:


5.1             Members received the report from the Head of Legal who together with the Director of Strategy, Analysis and Communications, outlined the key points and the proposal before the Committee for its consideration.

5.2             Cllr Gannon moved that the proposed recommendations be approved, and this was seconded by Cllr Hinchcliffe.


1)   That the Committee recommends to the TfN Board that effective business representation on the Board and Partnership Board remains appropriate.

2)  That the Committee recommends to the TfN Board that Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) representatives remain co-opted members to the Board and Partnership Board; and where the LEP no longer exists and/or has changed, a representative from their successor body becomes the co-opted member and is determined by the relevant body;

3)  That the Committee recommends that these new arrangements, if agreed, are reviewed in early 2025, given the emergence of a new pan-regional partnership for the North.