To consider and agree the Accounts for 2023/24.
Lead: Paul Kelly
6.1 Members received the report from the Finance Director who outlined the key aspects of his report.
6.2 Mr Grahm Bell Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee presented his annual report. He informed Board of the high quality of presentations received during the year and complemented the TfN executive team for the high professional standard of those officers who present these reports.
6.3 The Chair thanked Mr Bell and his colleagues for all their hard work on the Committee.
1) That the Corporate Governance Review and the Annual Governance Statement be approved;
2) That Board noted that Transport for the North’s draft statement of accounts was laid open to public inspection for the statutory period without objection being raised;
3) That the Statement of Accounts for financial year 2023/24 subject to their being no material adjustments, as agreed with the external auditors be approved.
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