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Transport for the North Board
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Atewologun, Councillor Elizab
Bailey, County Councillor Rob
Baker-Rogers, Councillor Joan
Bamborough, Councillor Jon Ba
Besford, Councillor Clare Bes
Boughton, Councillor John Bou
Bowden, Councillor Russ Bowde
Brabin, Mayor Tracy Brabin
Brown, Councillor Lisa Brown
Browne, Councillor Craig Brow
Burnham, Mayor Andy Burnham
Burton, Councillor Holly Burt
Carlill, Councillor Peter Car
Casey, Councillor Jim Casey
Connell, Councillor Andy Conn
Cooper, Councillor Andrew Coo
Coppard, Mayor Oliver Coppard
Corcoran, Councillor Sam Corc
Crane, Councillor Laura Crane
Davison, Councillor Dr Helen
Davison, Councillor John Davi
Deaville, Councillor Mark Dea
Dixon, Councillor Tracey Dixo
Dobson, Councillor Roger Dobs
Driscoll, Mayor Jamie Driscol
Duncan, Councillor Keane Dunc
Feguson, Councillor Colin Feg
Firth, Councillor Eric Firth
Flaherty, Councillor Jean Fla
Fletcher, Councillor Rod Flet
Flunder, Councillor Keith Flu
Flux, Councillor Barry Flux
Foulkes, Councillor Steve Fou
Freeston, Councillor Oliver F
Furley, Councillor Rhys Furle
Gannon, Councillor Martin Gan
Gittins, Councillor Louise Gi
Gordon-McCusker, Cllr Finlay
Gorman, Cllr Michael Gorman
Hammond, Councillor Leo Hammo
Handley, Councillor Anne Hand
Harker, Councillor Stephen Ha
Haslam, Councillor Paul Hasla
Healy, Councillor John Healy
Higginbottom, Cllr James Higg
Hinchcliffe, Councillor Susan
Holland, Councillor Steve Hol
Hornby, Councillor Fianna Hor
Hudson, Councillor Henry Huds
Hughes, Councillor Neil Hughe
Hunt, Councillor Tom Hunt
Hussain, Councillor Shaukat H
Ieronimo, Councillor Mark Ier
Jackson, Councillor Philip Ja
Kandola, Councillor Angela Ka
Kemp, Councillor Nick Kemp
Khan, Councillor Neghat Khan
Kilbane, Councillor Peter Kil
Lamb, Councillor Chris Lamb
Les, Councillor Carl Les
Little, Councillor Sue Little
Mahmood, Councillor Quesir Ma
Mannion, Councillor Nick Mann
Markley, Councillor Tony Mark
McGuiness, Mayor Kim McGuines
McLaren, Councillor Colin McL
McLoughlin, Lord McLoughlin
McMaster, Councillor Gary McM
Meling, Councillor Margaret M
Melly, Councillor Rachel Mell
Merrett, Councillor Dave Merr
Mill, Councillor Sheldon Mill
Miller, Councillor Graeme Mil
Mitchell, Councillor Tim Mitc
Mundry, Councillor Hans Mundr
Murray, Councillor John Murra
O'Connor, Councillor Damian O
Ogle, Councillor John Ogle
Osborne, Councillor Kevin Osb
O’Brien, Councillor Eamonn O’
Parish, Councillor Steve Pari
Perraton-Williams, Councillor
Perry, Councillor Jill Perry
Place, Councillor Bev Place
Prescott, Councillor Paul Pre
Pritchard, Councillor Robert
Quartermain, Councillor Carl
Rathbone, Councillor Doug Rat
Ravilious, Councillor Kate Ra
Read, Councillor Chris Read
Renwick, Councillor Carolyn R
Riley, Councillor Phil Riley
Robinson, Councillor Chris Ro
Robinson, Councillor Liam Rob
Rollo, Councillor Denise Roll
Ross, Councillor Mike Ross
Ross, Councillor Tom Ross
Rotheram, Mayor Steve Rothera
Rowe, Councillor Tommy Rowe
Salter, County Councillor Mat
Shah, Councillor Arooj Shah
Shore, Councillor Karen Shore
Shorrock, Councillor James Sh
Skaith, Mayor David Skaith
Smith, Councillor Mark Smith
Smith, County Councillor Scot
Smith, Councillor Tom Smith
Sudworth, Councillor Nathan S
Swarbrick, County Councillor
Swinburn, Councillor Stewart
Tagg, Councillor Simon Tagg
Thornton, Councillor Peter Th
Walker, Councillor Ben Walker
Wazir, Councillor Amjid Wazir
Wearmouth, Councillor Richard
West, Councillor Paul West
Wharmby, Councillor Jean Whar
Williams, Councillor David Wi
Williams, Councillor Lynn Wil
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period