
Each of the 20 Constituent Authorities appoints one of its elected Members to the Transport for the North Board.

The Member appointed must be in the case of a Constituent Authority that has an elected Mayor, the Mayor or the elected Member with responsibility for transport and in any other case the Leader, the Chair or the elected Member with responsibility for transport.

The Audit and Governance Committee is comprised of five members of the Transport for the North Board (not the Chair, or Vice Chair) appointed by the Transport for the North Board; and three Independent members (to be recruited on the basis of relevant skills). A representative of Department for Transport will be invited to attend meetings.

Each of the Constituent Authorities is entitled to appoint one Member and one Substitute Member to the Scrutiny Committee.

The Rail North Committee is consists of one Member and one Substitute Member appointed by each of the Regional Groups set out in paragraph 21.5 of our constitution.

To find Members please use the links below:

Photograph Member Political party Constituent Authority
photo of County Councillor Rob Bailey

County Councillor Rob Bailey

Conservative Lancashire
photo of Councillor Joanna Baker-Rogers

Councillor Joanna Baker-Rogers

Labour South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Jon Bamborough

Councillor Jon Bamborough

Labour Blackpool
photo of Councillor Clare Besford

Councillor Clare Besford

Labour Tees Valley
photo of Councillor John Boughton

Councillor John Boughton

Labour Blackpool
photo of Mayor Tracy Brabin

Mayor Tracy Brabin

Labour West Yorkshire Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Lisa Hinton

Councillor Lisa Hinton

Labour Cumberland
photo of Mayor Andy Burnham

Mayor Andy Burnham

Labour Greater Manchester Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Holly Burton

Councillor Holly Burton

Liberal Democrats Hull
photo of Councillor Peter Carlill

Councillor Peter Carlill

Labour West Yorkshire Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Jim Casey

Councillor Jim Casey

Labour Blackburn with Darwen
photo of Councillor Andy Connell

Councillor Andy Connell

Liberal Democrats Westmorland and Furness
photo of Mayor Oliver Coppard

Mayor Oliver Coppard

Labour South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Laura Crane

Councillor Laura Crane

Labour Cheshire East
photo of Councillor Dr Helen Davison

Councillor Dr Helen Davison

Green Party Cumberland
photo of Councillor John Davison

Councillor John Davison

Conservative North Lincolnshire
photo of Councillor Mark Deaville

Councillor Mark Deaville

Conservative Staffordshire
photo of Councillor Tracey Dixon

Councillor Tracey Dixon

Labour North East Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Colin Feguson

Councillor Colin Feguson

Liberal Democrats North East Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Eric Firth

Councillor Eric Firth

Labour West Yorkshire Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Jean Flaherty

Councillor Jean Flaherty

Labour Warrington
photo of Councillor Rod Fletcher

Councillor Rod Fletcher

Liberal Democrats Cheshire East
photo of Councillor Keith Flunder

Councillor Keith Flunder

Conservative Staffordshire
photo of Councillor Steve Foulkes

Councillor Steve Foulkes

photo of Councillor Martin Gannon

Councillor Martin Gannon

Labour North East Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Louise Gittins

Councillor Louise Gittins

Labour Cheshire West & Chester
photo of Cllr Finlay Gordon-McCusker

Cllr Finlay Gordon-McCusker

Labour Stoke-On-Trent
photo of Cllr Michael Gorman

Cllr Michael Gorman

Independent Cheshire East
photo of Councillor Leo Hammond

Councillor Leo Hammond

Conservative East Riding of Yorkshire
photo of Councillor Anne Handley

Councillor Anne Handley

Conservative East Riding of Yorkshire
photo of Councillor Stephen Harker

Councillor Stephen Harker

Labour Tees Valley
photo of Councillor Paul Haslam

Councillor Paul Haslam

Conservative York and North Yorkshire Combined Authoirty
photo of Councillor John Healy

Councillor John Healy

Labour South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe

Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe

Labour West Yorkshire Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Steve Holland

Councillor Steve Holland

Independent North East Lincolnshire
photo of Councillor Tom Hunt

Councillor Tom Hunt

Labour South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Mark Ieronimo

Councillor Mark Ieronimo

Liberal Democrats Hull
photo of Councillor Philip Jackson

Councillor Philip Jackson

Conservative North East Lincolnshire
photo of Councillor Neghat Khan

Councillor Neghat Khan

Labour Nottingham
photo of Councillor Peter Kilbane

Councillor Peter Kilbane

Labour York and North Yorkshire Combined Authoirty
photo of Councillor Chris Lamb

Councillor Chris Lamb

Labour South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Quesir Mahmood

Councillor Quesir Mahmood

Labour Blackburn with Darwen
photo of Councillor Nick Mannion

Councillor Nick Mannion

Labour Cheshire East
photo of Councillor Colin McLaren

Councillor Colin McLaren

Labour Greater Manchester Combined Authority
photo of Lord McLoughlin

Lord McLoughlin

photo of Councillor Gary McMaster

Councillor Gary McMaster

Conservative East Riding of Yorkshire
photo of Councillor Rachel Melly

Councillor Rachel Melly

Labour York and North Yorkshire Combined Authoirty
photo of Councillor Sheldon Mill

Councillor Sheldon Mill

Labour North East Lincolnshire
photo of Councillor Tim Mitchell

Councillor Tim Mitchell

Conservative North Lincolnshire
photo of Councillor Hans Mundry

Councillor Hans Mundry

Labour Warrington
photo of Councillor John Murray

Councillor John Murray

Liberal Democrats Westmorland and Furness
photo of Councillor Damian O'Connor

Councillor Damian O'Connor

Labour Liverpool City Region
photo of Councillor John Ogle

Councillor John Ogle

Conservative Nottinghamshire
photo of Councillor Kevin Osborne

Councillor Kevin Osborne

Labour South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Eamonn O’Brien

Councillor Eamonn O’Brien

Labour Greater Manchester Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Steve Parish

Councillor Steve Parish

Labour Warrington
photo of Councillor Clio Perraton-Williams

Councillor Clio Perraton-Williams

Conservative Lincolnshire
photo of Councillor Jill Perry

Councillor Jill Perry

Green Party Cumberland
photo of Councillor Bev Place

Councillor Bev Place

Labour Greater Manchester Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Paul Prescott

Councillor Paul Prescott

Labour Greater Manchester Combined Authority
photo of Councillor Carl Quartermain

Councillor Carl Quartermain

Labour Tees Valley
photo of Councillor Doug Rathbone

Councillor Doug Rathbone

Liberal Democrats Westmorland and Furness
photo of Councillor Carolyn Renwick

Councillor Carolyn Renwick

Conservative Derbyshire
photo of Councillor Phil Riley

Councillor Phil Riley

Board Member

Labour Blackburn with Darwen
photo of Councillor Chris Robinson

Councillor Chris Robinson

Labour Stoke-On-Trent
photo of Councillor Denise Rollo

Councillor Denise Rollo

Labour Cumberland
photo of Councillor Mike Ross

Councillor Mike Ross

Liberal Democrats Hull
photo of Mayor Steve Rotheram

Mayor Steve Rotheram

Labour Liverpool City Region
photo of Councillor Tommy Rowe

Councillor Tommy Rowe

Labour Liverpool City Region
photo of County Councillor Matthew Salter

County Councillor Matthew Salter

Scrutiny Member

Conservative Lancashire
photo of Councillor Karen Shore

Councillor Karen Shore

Labour Cheshire West & Chester
photo of Councillor James Shorrock

Councillor James Shorrock

Labour Blackburn with Darwen
photo of Mayor David Skaith

Mayor David Skaith

Labour York and North Yorkshire Combined Authoirty
photo of Councillor Mark Smith

Councillor Mark Smith

Labour Blackpool
photo of County Councillor Scott Smith

County Councillor Scott Smith

Conservative Lancashire
photo of Councillor Tom Smith

Councillor Tom Smith

Conservative Lincolnshire
photo of Councillor Nathan Sudworth

Councillor Nathan Sudworth

Labour Warrington
photo of County Councillor Rupert Swarbrick

County Councillor Rupert Swarbrick

Conservative Lancashire
photo of Councillor Stewart Swinburn

Councillor Stewart Swinburn

Conservative North East Lincolnshire
photo of Councillor Peter Thornton

Councillor Peter Thornton

Liberal Democrats Westmorland and Furness
photo of Councillor Ben Walker

Councillor Ben Walker

Labour Cheshire West & Chester
photo of Councillor Paul West

Councillor Paul West

Conservative East Riding of Yorkshire
photo of Councillor Jean Wharmby

Councillor Jean Wharmby

Conservative Derbyshire
photo of Councillor Lynn Williams

Councillor Lynn Williams

Labour Blackpool