All meetings of the Transport for the North Board, its Committees and Sub Committees are open to the public (including the press) except to the extent that they are excluded whether during the whole or part of the proceedings.
In order to fulfil our obligations on commercial confidentiality and data protection, the public and press will be excluded for certain agenda items where confidential or 'exempt' information is discussed.
Please click on the relevant dates below for further details of the meetings and to download agenda, minutes of meetings as well as reports.
Members of the public and press are permitted to film and record during open sessions of the public meetings, click here for full guidance.
Please note that whilst the public will be able to watch public items, they will not be able to make comments or speak to members. A copy of the public proceedings will be published after the meeting has taken place.
Calendar of
Dates of all upcoming Transport for the North Board, Committees,
and Sub-Committee meetings..
Use keywords to search for documents relating to any particular
issue you may be interested in.
Use the below links to access agendas and minutes of previous
board, committee, and sub-committee meetings.: