9 Great British Railways: Update PDF 348 KB
For the Board to be updated on the implementation of rail reform and to delegate to the Chair the Board’s response to the consultation on the legislative framework.
Lead: David Hoggarth
Additional documents:
9.1 Members received the report of the Strategic Rail Director. The Chief Executive presented the report to Board and highlighted the key points.
9.2 The Chair stated that the Bill establishing GBR has yet to be published but would expect that to happen later this year and to be introduced in the House of Commons first.
9.3 Cllr Little requested that partners and the officer group be kept informed on progress.
9.4 Whilst supportive of those areas that have double devolution Cllr Gittins raised concerns that other areas have no devolution which will result in extensive holes in the system.
The Chief Executive explained that the Great British Rail Transition Team will be attending the next TfN Board meeting in September and if this issue has not already been addressed, then there will be the opportunity in September.
1) That the report be noted;
2) That Board agrees to delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Rail Reform Working Group the preparation of a response to the consultation on legislation to implement rail reform.