8 International Connectivity Policy Statement PDF 110 KB
To agree the Policy Statement.
Lead: Lucy Jacques / Peter Cole
Additional documents:
8.1 Members received the report from the Interim Policy and Programme Director who highlighted the key points of the report.
8.2 Mr. Mark Rawstron expressed concern about the “faster further” option and demand management. He was concerned that taking this position would be seen as supporting the national moratorium on runway development and that such a position will lead to previous airport capacity that has been closed being unable to be brought back into service.
8.3 In addressing the concerns of Mr. Rawstron, the Interim Policy and Programme Director stated that TfN will continue to monitor the situation. He advised that he will report back any issues on this at the December Board as part of the Strategic Transport Plan report before it becomes part of the statutory document.
8.4 The Chair commented that TfN should be concentrating on issues that impact on transport issues in the North rather than getting involved in national policy.
That Board agrees the International Connectivity & Aviation Policy Position.