To consider and approve the recommendation of the Member Panel for the Chair of Transport for the North: to consider and approve the appointment of the S151 Officer.
Lead: Martin Tugwell
4.1 Members received the report from the Chief Executive.
4.2 The Chair explained the process the Appointment Panel had undertaken in order to make a recommendation to the Board for the role of Chair.
4.3 Board Members thanked the elected Members who had sat on the Panel and the Interim Chair for their hard work and were supportive of the proposed appointment of Lord Patrick McLoughlin as the new Chair of the Board and Partnership Board. Members believed it to be the right appointment at the right time.
4.4 Mayor Brabin requested information detailing the steps which led from two candidates to the final preferred candidate. She also asked for the probationary objectives to be shared with Members.
4.5 The appointment of Lord Patrick McLoughlin was proposed by Cllr Hale and seconded by Cllr Edwards.
4.6 Members unanimously voted in favour of the appointment of Lord Patrick McLoughlin as the new Chair of the Transport for the North Board and Partnership Board.
1) That the Board approves the appointment of Lord McLoughlin, the Appointment Panel’s recommended candidate, as the Chair of the TfN Partnership Board from 26 January 2022;
2) That the Board notes that in approving this candidate, Lord McLoughlin is by operation of the Sub-national Transport Body (Transport for the North) Regulations 2018 co-opted to the TfN Board;
3) That the Board approves the appointment of Lord McLoughlin, the Appointment Panel’s recommended candidate, as the Chair of the TfN Board from 26 January 2022;
4) That the Board notes the formal start date for the Chair and support to be provided by TfN officers;
5) That the Board approves that the Vice Chairs with the support of TfN’s CEO agree Lord McLoughlin’s probationary objectives and monitor performance.
4.7 The Chief Executive informed Members that Mr. Iain Craven (the current Finance Director and S151 Officer) is leaving Transport for the North in March. He took the opportunity to thank him for all his hard work on behalf of TfN, highlighting the key role that Mr. Craven had played in establishing TfN. In addition, he expressed a personal thank you for the support he had received from Mr. Craven since joining TfN last August.
He explained that having considered the requirements of the role it was clear that the current Finance Controller Mr. Paul Kelly has the requisite experience, skills and qualifications to fulfil the role. It was on this basis that Mr. Kelly was recommended as Interim Finance Director for an initial 6 months. This arrangement would help with continuity during the transition post-IRP. Subject to the Board agreeing the recommendation, arrangements were in hand to ensure that the Financial Controller post is to be back-filled.
4.8 Members echoed the sentiments of the Chief Executive and thanked the Finance Director for all his help hard work and support.
4.9 The appointment of Mr. Paul Kelly as Interim Finance Director (S151 Officer) was proposed by Cllr Mundry and seconded by Cllr Swinburn.
4.10 The Board voted unanimously to appoint Mr. Paul Kelly.
That the Board approves the appointment of Paul Kelly, as Interim Finance Director (S151 Officer) from 17 March 2022.
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