To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement and 2022/23 accounts.
Lead: Paul Kelly, Graham Bell
7.1 Members received the report of the Finance Director who outlined the key elements in his report. He highlighted to the Board that as in previous years, sign off the accounts by the auditors will not be possible until the Greater Manchester Pension Fund had itself been signed off. He anticipated that these will be signed off in October and proposed that the accounts be approved subject to the sign-off of the Pension Fund.
7.2 The Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee Mr Graham Bell then presented the Committee’s Annual Report to Board and highlighted the key areas of this report.
7.3 Mayor Brabin highlighted that a number of red RAG ratings appeared in the risk register and requested an informed discussion about how TfN was addressing these going forward.
1) That Board approves Transport for the North’s Annual Governance Statement and Statement of Accounts for financial year 2022/23, subject to the sign-off of the Greater Manchester Pension Fund.
2) That the Board notes that the report is supported by an appended report from Transport for the North’s independent external auditor that provides an unqualified, clean opinion.
3) That the report should also be considered alongside the Annual Report from the Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee which recommends approval of the Accounts.
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