Venue: Friends' Meeting House 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS
Contact: Gary Rich
No. | Item |
Welcome & Apologies The Chair to welcome Members and the public to the meeting. Lead: Chair Minutes: 1.1 The Chair welcomed all in attendance and informed the Committee that the meeting is being recorded. Apologies were received from Cllrs Connell, Higginbottom, Fletcher, Little, Shorrock and Meling. 1.2 The Chair then invited nominations for the position of Vice Chair of the Committee. Cllr Firth was nominated for the position, and this was seconded by Cllr Hornby. The Committee voted unanimously in favour of this appointment. Resolved: That Cllr Firth be appointed as Vice Chair of the Transport for the North Scrutiny Committee. |
Declarations of Interest Members are required to declare any personal, prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interest they may have relating to items on the agenda and state the nature of such interest. Lead: Chair Minutes: 2.1 Cllr Parish, declared that he is a non executive Director of Warrington Borough Transport. 2.2 Cllr Boughton declared he is a Director of a bus company. 2.3 Cllr Broughton also declared an interest as a Director of a bus company. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meetings held on the 5 Septembers 2023 and 21 November 2023 (including updates on agreed matters as appropriate). Lead: Chair Additional documents: Minutes: 3.1 The minutes of the meetings held on 5 September and 14 November 2023 were considered and their accuracy as a correct record confirmed. The minutes were proposed by Cllr Dobson and seconded by Cllr Salter. 3.2 Cllr Hornby stated that she had been omitted from the attendance at the meeting. She also commented that her attendance on Modern.Gov which was incorrectly showing as zero. The Chair confirmed that officers would examine this. Resolved: That the minutes of the meetings held on 5 September and 14 November 2023 be approved as a true and accurate record subject to the inclusion of Cllr Hornby in the attendance. |
Budget and Business Plan 2024/25 To consider the 2024/25 Business Plan and budget. Lead: Martin Tugwell, Paul Kelly and Katie Day
Additional documents:
Minutes: 4.1 Members received the report of the Finance Director and the Director of Strategy, Analysis and Communications. The Chief Executive then highlighted the key points in the report. 4.2 Cllr Cooper asked about the reserve level and whether TfN is comfortable with it. 4.3 The Finance Director confirmed that TfN is comfortable with the reserve level. He explained that the minimum reserve is held to enable TfN to withstand short term financial shock: it is not about building up reserves for protection against future years’ grant allocations. He commented that previously TfN’s grant allocation had been adjusted by DfT when the reserve level was too large. 4.4 Cllr Dobson enquired about the employee survey and asked if TfN planned to do this on a regular basis and whether the results will be compared against other employers. He also asked about buses in rural areas and whether there is a prospect of improved services. 4.5 The Chair emphasised the importance of buses in rural areas and suggested the possibility of buses carrying freight and advertising on the side of the bus as a way of funding such services. 4.6 In response to Members ’questions the Director of Strategy, Analysis and Communication highlighted the positive response from the survey with an engagement score of 78% and many other metrics scoring around the 70% mark. Whilst highlighting the positive results she commented that the challenge is now to maintain the scores. She informed the Committee that a pulse survey will be done in the late summer or early autumn as a follow up. Work is also now taking place with teams exploring areas where things can be done differently to further build on the positive outcome. 4.7 Regarding buses in rural areas, she illustrated how the work that TfN has underway is beginning to come together and how TfN can support Local Transport Authorities (through the TfN Offer) in helping them make the case for buses and bus investment. She commented that keeping services running is as important as investing in infrastructure, noting the importance of understanding where investment to support operating costs is needed. She explained that the TAME team is building bus analytical tools in order to assist partner authorities to establish which routes are commercially viable and which may require support. 4.8 She added that the critical importance of buses is increasingly recognised to communities and businesses. She emphasised the importance of considering the opportunities that may be available and of grounding investment decisions in the need to deliver outcomes for people and places. 4.9 The Chief Executive referenced work that TfN is undertaking to develop a ‘Northern Playbook’ using the tools it has developed in a way that whilst consistent with HMT Green Book, better reflects the circumstances in the North. He reflected on how such an approach might help make the case for investment in rural bus services based on the wider social, economic and environmental benefits achieved. 4.10 On the staff survey, he informed the Committee that ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Transforming the North: Strategic Transport Plan Approval and Adoption To consider and note the work that has been undertaken to amend the Strategic Transport Plan (STP) post consultation and following the announcement of Network North, ahead of approval and adoption at the March Transport for the North Board. Lead: Katie Day and Danielle Bassan Additional documents:
Minutes: 5.1 Members received the report from the Principal Policy and Strategy Officer who, together with the Director of Strategy, Analysis and Communication, highlighted the key points within the report. 5.2 Cllr Parish requested clarity as to what is meant by ‘making a stronger case for freight’ which is referenced a number of times in the STP. 5.3 The Director of Strategy, Analysis and Communication explained that the consultation feedback made clear that the STP needs to be more explicit in making the case for freight. In the final version of the Plan it is clearer as to why investing in freight movement is so important to the realising the potential of the North’s economy. 5.4 Cllr Parish responded making the point that the phraseology is not clear, citing how not all freight movement is necessarily good. As an example of this he suggested that having less freight going shorter distances regardless of the mode is better for the environment. 5.5 The Chair raised the issue as to whether roads are currently equipped to take freight. More generally, he stated the importance of ensuring that new housing developments are transport agnostic and encourage a variety of modes of transport. 5.6 Cllr Boughton expressed concerns about the challenges facing the bus industry; patronage for private operators has decreased since Covid and consequently, networks have reduced. He highlighted that to improve connectivity better bus services are required, noting that there are swathes of northern communities who have no connectivity and are deprived of being able to access shops and job opportunities as a result. He added that many operators are fearful as to what will happen to patronage when the Government ends £2 bus fares with many operators expecting patronage to decrease very significantly. 5.7 Additionally, he outlined the difficulties that exist within the industry in recruiting people with the industry demographic being one of an aging workforce and an industry that is not family friendly. 5.8 On the issue of an aging workforce demographic the Chief Executive drew parallels with issues experienced in the rail industry explaining that it too is experiencing challenges around skills and the attractiveness of the sector. He highlighted the importance of the pan-regional conversation. and stressed the importance of changing the way in which the system works and implements innovations, together with the importance of long-term indicative funding, all of which helps in the planning of services. 5.9 Additionally, he commented on how the pan-regional evidence base is allowing TfN to work in support of local authorities and partners as they make the case for investment.
5.10 The Chair agreed that transformation in the transport sector is needed but added that certainty and continuity also need to be created to encourage people to invest or simply use services because they have faith in reliability. He also emphasised the importance of the social value of having a bus service being taken into account and suggested that there may be different ways of funding such services. 5.11 Cllr Cooper ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
To consider the proposed approach to monitoring and evaluation for the Strategic Transport Plan (STP) and provide an update on the development of statutory advice to Government. Lead: Katie Day and Rachel Ford Minutes: 6.1 Members received the report from the Head of Strategy, Policy and Research who, together with the Director of Strategy, Analysis and Communication, highlighted the key points within the report. 6.2 Cllr Dobson was pleased to see this piece of work and commented that it is an excellent way to work. 6.3 The Chief Executive suggested that TfN should be monitoring progress with the delivery of major infrastructure projects in the North, identifying where there are barriers that need to be overcome and then working with partners to do that. Reporting and monitoring against timelines for delivery will lead to greater transparency and allow for blockages to be highlighted. 6.4 On the annual report the Chair believes that a piece of analysis on the consequences and what it means going forward needs to be included. He also suggested that links should be made to social return on investment. 6.5 In response the Head of Strategy, Policy and Research stated that the annual report narrative will include commentary on the consequences of delays and the recommendations on actions required to enable things to be taken forward. On the issue of social return on investment, she explained that transport related social exclusion is built into the STP and the monitoring/evaluation framework. Additionally, the way that TfN wishes to appraise investment on schemes is to think about whether it will have an impact on reducing transport related social exclusion and helping to achieve decarbonisation goals. This approach will be included in the statutory advice. 6.6 Cllr Firth emphasised the importance of social value and the work that TRU is doing in schools, colleges and with Councillors along the route on which the trains will run, outlining the social value, benefits, and opportunities of the project. He believes that it is imperative that social value should be built into TfN policies. Resolved: 1) That the Committee notes the proposed approach to monitoring and evaluation for the STP and that feedback/observations on the planned approach be noted 2) That the Committee notes the updates in developing statutory advice to government on the implementation of the STP. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting will take place on Thursday 6 June 2024 at 11am. Minutes: Thursday 6 June at 11am |